Seahawks Swim Team Parent Handbook
(updated 8/16/2024)
Welcome to the Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team! This handbook is designed to help you better understand the sport of swimming and the Seahawks. YJSST is a competitive swim team and competes against other US military installations, Japanese and international teams. Please take the time to become familiar with this handbook. Along with our team’s By-Laws, this has a lot of valuable information to help you and your child get the most out of their swimming experience.
Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team is an all-volunteer, parent-directed competitive youth swim team. The parents of our swim team are vital to the team’s success! Without the volunteer time given by parents, our team would not exist.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Kristen Hassell, President
Dedre Harris, Vice President
Maggie Davidson, Treasurer
Melinh Keller, Secretary
Marilea Romabiles & Anastasia Ana McCoy, Meet Directors
Table of Contents
YJSST Vision
About Us
Code of Conduct
Swimmer’s Agreement (from Registration)
Violation of Code of Conduct
Membership, YJSST Board Members, & Coaches
Guidelines for Coaches, Parents, Swimmers
Duties and responsibilities
Roles of Board, Coaches, Parents, Swimmers
Team Policies: Financial, Illness and Injury, Attendance, Weather & Volunteer
YJSST Training Team Groups
Practice Group Promotion Procedures
Swim Meets - Everything you need to know!
Appendix A: 2024-25 Season Volunteer Committee Opportunities:
Appendix B: Dispute Resolution Process
Swim with Pride! Win with Honor! Build Character! Life is always about the journey, not the outcome. Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team ("YJSST") encapsulates this belief; and the belief that our athletes and members are on a lifelong journey. Swimming is a reflection of life; you cannot win all the time. Children will gain from their preparation in practice, confidence in meets, achievement in goals both short term and long term, and the understanding that success is created in the mind. Swimming not only teaches dedication and hard work, but also the importance of perseverance and the courage to set goals and reach for them. We hope this training in a positive, safe environment will encourage our young swimmers to overcome any obstacle, live with passion and purpose and reach their potential in life.
The Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team is a competitive youth swim team. Swimmers must demonstrate adequate proficiency in the four basic competitive strokes before they are invited to join the team following a try-out evaluation. The team develops swimmer’s technique and endurance regardless of the level at which the children enter then team. YJSST’s swimmers, who are primary and secondary school students usually ranging in age from (6) six year-olds to (18) eighteen year olds, are the family members of U.S. Forces, Japan personnel including members of the armed forces and civilian components.
All operating regulations are available from the YJSST Board ("Board"). The YJSST organization exists with the consent and approval of Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka (CFAY) and as such is a private organization operating in public on that facility, copies of these documents will be made available upon request.
SWIMMER: YJSST expects each swimmer to make progress as a result of hard work, good attendance, respectful attitudes towards coaches, swimmers, MWR lifeguards and to those in attendance at practices and meets (both home and away). With this said, coaches expect swimmers to participate in practice each week. Each group has assigned expectations listed in the description of the practice groups.
FAMILY: The Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team is volunteer-based, private organization that does not operate for a profit. YJSST counts on its members to volunteer their time to promote unity and to enable the team to thrive. It is important for every parent to be involved with the team and their children’s activities. That is why we require members to volunteer their time and talents in a board or committee position, at home meets and team events throughout the year.
The Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team generally hosts four or five major home meets per swim year. To ensure our meets can run in a professional manner, we rely on the support of all of our members to fill our many jobs, specifically at these home meets and fundraisers. Meet shifts will be broken down into the most feasible method possible to accommodate the needs of our active duty members and their families. Volunteer shifts will incorporate all meet needs. Families should expect to provide at least one volunteer at home meets, and it is recommended that families with more than one swimmer provide more than one volunteer shift per meet. Failure to do so will result in a $50 penalty per swimmer. (Volunteers can include parents, high school aged students, friends, and active duty members!)
YJSST Board and Coaching staff are committed to providing a safe and positive environment where a child can develop lifelong skill sets, healthy habits, good sportsmanship, challenge themselves and encourage friendships.
Coaches will have submitted background checks and/or SafeSport abuse prevention training. Parents are welcome on deck and/or within line of sight with their swimmer and our coaches at any YJSST practice or event taking place at our home pool. Please adhere to coaches' communication hours in lieu of on-deck discussion.
All Board, Coaches, Parents and Swimmers are expected to treat each other with respect when representing YJSST in any capacity. YJSST maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment or offensive behavior of any kind.
The undersigned athlete and parents participating for the Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team agree to abide by the guidelines outlined below in addition to those established by the Board and the MWR staff. All swimmers will follow the posted MWR Aquatics Rules and Regulations (which includes the removal of shoes prior to entering the pool deck area).
1. Swimmers are expected to follow the directions of the coaches and regularly attend team practices, unless excused. Please adhere to the team attendance policy.
2. Theft, vandalism and/or destructive behavior will not be permitted or tolerated and will result in the removal of the swimmer from practice and the pool.
3. Disruptive, disrespectful &/or offensive behavior during practice will not be permitted and may result in the removal of the swimmer from practice at the coaches' discretion.
4. During practice, parents may not interfere with coaching decisions regarding workouts and/or behavior issues.
5. During meets, questions or concerns regarding decisions made by meet officials are directed to a member of the coaching staff after the meet. Parents are not permitted to discuss with a meet official at the meet. Officials' decisions on disqualifications are final and not reversible.
6. Parents are to demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting themselves in a manner that earns the respect of their child, other swimmers, parents, board members, officials and coaches at meets and practices.
7. Parents and swimmers will refrain from criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward coaches, officials, other parents or other swimmers. These expectations apply to forms of conduct and communications, whether physical, verbal, written or electronic. Failure to comply with this expectation may result in removal from practice, meets and other team activities including social events.
8. Parents and swimmers: Displaying a lack of support for another YJSST swimmer or family through words, online posts, or actions will not be permitted and will be addressed by the board or coaching staff.
YJSST is a community of swimmers, coaches, and parents. Our goal is to foster a cooperative atmosphere, working together to make this the best team it can be. Please remember that it is a privilege, not a right, to be a member of YJSST.
As a member of Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team, all swimmers understand they are part of a swimming organization that believes teamwork, integrity, respect and good sportsmanship are more important than winning. By signing this Code of Conduct, swimmers agree to follow the rules for behavior and sportsmanship while a member of the Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team:
- I promise to show respect and common courtesy at all times to the team members, coaches, competitors, officials, parents and for all facilities and other property used during practices, competitions and team activities.
- I promise to demonstrate good sportsmanship during all practices, competitions, and team activities.
- I will be an active participant in all team practices, competitions, fundraising events and other team activities.
- I will come to all team sponsored events in the appropriate attire.
- I will respect the coaches’ and officials’ instructions and will make every effort to be on time for workouts, competitions, and team events.
- I will refrain from horseplay, foul language, violence & behavior deemed distracting, disruptive, dishonest, discourteous, disrespectful, or offensive to others.
- I will follow all rules and regulations set by YJSST, MWR & CFAY.
The coaches may impose the following penalties for violation of the YJSSTeam Code of Conduct. The penalties include, but are not limited to, the following
- The swimmer will be given a verbal warning.
- Swimmer will be removed from the pool and practice but may not leave the pool area.
- The swimmer will be sent home and parent, if not present, will be notified by the Head Coach &/or Boad President.
- The swimmer will need to be accompanied by a parent at practice for four (4) consecutive practices.
- Continued disruptive behavior will result in a suspension of one (1) week. There will be NO prorated fee for monthly dues.
- Should disciplinary problems continue, the swimmer and parent(s) will meet with the coach and Board to discuss possible suspension from meets &/or removal from the team.
Our volunteer YJSST Board will be responsible for dissemination of all communication, information and announcements in changes of schedules, upcoming events, meet entries, etc. Our team website, e-mails &/or FB posts will be the primary source of communication.. Your swim & dryland coaches will also communicate via email & the team FB page. Please check your emails, including spam folder, the team website and team social media accounts regularly for current information.
Please join our YJSST Members-only Facebook group at to keep up with the latest team news, events & announcements! We respectfully request that you refrain from interrupting the coaches on deck during practice to discuss concerns regarding your swimmer. Please adhere to each coach’s designated communication hours. Parents are expected to model appropriate conflict resolution by following the above guidelines.
Practice group-specific or personal concerns should be directed to the swimmer's coach. Membership should direct any program or policy-related questions, comments, concerns or complaints to the Board President. Communication is encouraged and welcomed for the success of our team.
The Yokosuka Junior Seahawks Swim Team is a private organization Non-Federal Entity (NFE) operating in accordance with CFAY instructions and an memorandum of understanding (MOU) that we renew yearly with MWR.
The Yokosuka Jr. Seahawks Swim Team requires dedicated volunteer board members to function. The “YJSST Board” is made up of swim parent volunteers & consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Meet Director(s) (“Board"). A Board of five-six officers shall be elected by and from the Full members of YJSST. The term of each officer shall be one year. An officer may not serve more than two consecutive twelve-month terms. Any vacancy in the Board caused by resignation, relocation, disqualification, disability, or death of an officer shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board until the next annual meeting. Each family shall be limited to one adult member on the Board at any time. All Board members serve voluntarily in their elected positions in accordance with the By-Laws in effect and COMFLEACTINST 5760.5F
Board members shall not receive payment for their services to the team, but shall be offered a 30% discount in swim dues for their family for the months they serve on said swim board. Board members or YJSST volunteers may be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the team with the approval of the YJSST Board.
The Board will schedule general membership meetings at least twice annually for the purpose of reviewing the activities, guidelines, procedures and financial affairs of YJSST, and conducting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. YJSST may also hold other special meetings of the membership as may be necessary to properly conduct the affairs of YJSST. Such special meetings may be called by the President, by majority vote of the Board, or upon the written request.
Monthly YJSST board meetings shall set by the current Board at a convenient time/location taking all Board members’ schedules & family situations into account. Any full member who submits a prior email request to the board are welcome to attend said meetings, unless the Board determines that it is necessary to hold an executive session. An executive session is permitted only to review personnel matters, disciplinary matters, or legal matters and should not be used to vote upon any other issue involving the affairs of YJSST. Executive sessions of the Board shall be held on the call of the President or a majority of the officers. All members of the Board shall be advised, either orally or in writing, as to the time and place of any such meeting. Notice shall be given at least three days prior to the date of the meeting. Attendance at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice thereof. Full Members do not have a vote at board meetings but are encouraged to reasonably discuss their opinion with the Board before the Board votes on issue.
Nominations for the YJSST Board shall be called for prior to the April board meeting. Elected officers will begin their elected term on the First of June. Assuming that all CFAY regulations have been satisfactorily met, board members will complete their term on 31st of May the following calendar year. Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka requires compliance with COMFLEACTINST 5760.5F at all times.
The Board shall also have the authority to establish committees as may be necessary to further promote the interests and activities of YJSST. Such committees may include both officers and other Full members in good standing. Please reference Appendix A for current committees.
Membership will not be denied nor shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or national origin. Team membership will be based on swimming performance, team group descriptions in this handbook & time standards during open tryouts. The names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of all members of the team, as well as the information contained in the YJSST member Directory or any YJSST database, are private and confidential. Such information and mailing lists may not be disclosed or distributed to anyone, including any vendor or sponsor, without the prior written approval of the YJSST Board President.
The YJSST Board agrees to be bound by the Yokosuka Jr. Seahawks Swim Team By-laws currently in effect, all governing Rules and Regulations set forth by Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka and to govern by the current edition of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER (REVISED) when applicable.
A brief and general overview of the duties and responsibilities of the volunteer board positions are as follows:
- YJSST President: Is intended to have the responsibility and authority to manage the day-to-day business of the team, within the framework of the YJSST By-Laws. Primary contact for all official team communication. Vote is limited only in a tie-breaking situation.
- YJSST Vice President: A voting member of the board and shall, in the absence of the President, convene and chair board meetings and in the absence of the President shall manage the day-to-day business of the team within the framework of the YJSST By-Laws. The Vice President verifies that the YJSST stays compliant with Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka policies and procedures. The Vice President will also act as coordinator for the Kinnick High School varsity season.
- YJSST Treasurer: Is a voting member of the board who is responsible for preparation and maintenance of all financial records for the organization and providing them at general membership meetings, executive board meetings and making them available upon request in a timely manner. The Treasurer maintains the Roster of Membership in “Good Standing,” collects membership dues and other payments, deposit payments and donations, makes payments authorized by the Board, maintain a full and accurate account of all financial transactions, retains accurate supporting documents, prepares budgetary guidance for the Board, all in compliance with Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka policies and procedures relating to financial matters, prepares the annual financial statement, submits the yearly audit and all required documents in accordance with COMFLEACTINST 5760.5F.
- YJSST Secretary: Is a voting member of the board, is responsible for the planning, communication and execution of planned board meeting. Secretary will record the meeting minutes and prepare those minutes for approval at the following meeting. Once approved, minutes will be posted within 24 hours on our team website. Secretary will work with Meet Director to ensure volunteer hours are maintained. The secretary will also be responsible for swimmer’s information, liability releases, and registration forms.
- YJSST Meet Director: Is a voting member of the board, and will be responsible for the development of home meets with input from coaches and other Board members. Additionally, the Meet Director will be responsible for meet entries at both home and away meets, be the main point of contact with other teams in regards to meets, and be responsible for the base access provided to visiting teams. May be filled by 1 or 2 people to cover Home vs Away meets.
YJSST Board Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Determine YJSST policies and regulations
- Collect dues and manage team composition
- Plan and organize swim meets and special events
- Manage inventory and ordering of apparel and equipment
- Publish records of Board meetings on a platform accessible to all Members
- Plan and coordinate fundraising activities as needed
- Maintain rosters of swimmers and contact information for families
- Contract for safe facilities and provide a team representative for foreign national teams in accordance with CFAY regulations
- Negotiate any fees and also practice and meet dates/ times with the Aquatics manager and official MWR staff as necessary
- Submit an annual CFAY audit with base legal each year
- Recruit and hire coaches to provide services to YJSST swimmers
- Recruit and assign officials, timekeepers, referees and others as needed to provide for training of same
- Disseminate information to the participants, their families and the community concerning the team and its programs
- Hold annual elections to elect or appoint Board members
- Organize & coordinate KHS Varsity/JV Lettering opportunities to HS-aged swimmers with help of KHS AD & Principal
Guidelines for Coaches:
- Abide by YJSST policies in MOU, bylaws, coach contracts & all policies in this handbook.
- Develop an appropriate training program to encourage athletic development in and out of the pool.
- Provide flexibility to allow each swimmer to reach his/her full potential.
- Monitor and document athlete attendance.
- Evaluate swimmer’s ability, yardage (distance), progress & performance on an established schedule.
- Discuss movement of swimmers with co-coach & head coach.
- Document conduct of swimmers & let head coach know of any concerns.
- Work closely with the YJSST Board to identify meets for team participation.
- Provide event feedback & build relay teams for each swimmer before swim meets.
- At Meets: Provide instruction to swimmers before events & comments after, manage warm ups, take splits (times), make changes to events based on swimmer attendance. Wear "coach" team shirt.
- Report conflicts in performing duties to head coach & board.
- Maintain a positive practice environment and follow disciplinary guidelines outlined by the board.
- Foster & maintain a drama-free and conflict-free environment for all team members, team coaches, & board members.
- Keep families updated on team events or swim meets via email & team FB page
- Obtain and maintain personal Japanese swim coaching insurance.
- Complete a background check or current SafeSport training before working with swimmers
- Coaches are encouraged to maintain or obtain USA Swimming Coaching certification within 6 months of being hired. Coaches are expected to keep current on swimming training guidelines.
Guidelines for Parents:
1. Support your child by holding them accountable to her/his commitment to YJSST.
2. Encourage your athlete to communicate directly to their coach on concerns that may impact their performance in the water.
3. Highlight skill improvement,good sportsmanship and improvement in times over event placement.
4. Model sportsmanship by supporting YJSST and opposing teams.
5. Fulfill YJSST volunteer requirements.
6. Recognize the value and importance of coaches and volunteers.
7. Adhere to communication guidelines in regards to any absences, questions, ideas, and concerns. Communicate directly with your coach if your swimmer will be late or absent from practice.
8. Protect the integrity of the program by maintaining a positive attitude and following guidelines provided by YJSST board.
9. Follow the Code of Conduct in this handbook.
Guidelines for Swimmers:
- Adhere to attendance policy. Notify your swimmer’s coach if you need to arrive tardy or miss practice for illness, travel, or an after school activity. Five (5) unexcused absences or a swimmer not having communication for a period of five days may forfeit their place on the team by either suspension or termination.
- Speak directly with your coach, especially with concerns or decisions that directly affect you.
- Represent YJSST with pride and demonstrate good sportsmanship with home and opposing teams.
- Respect the coaches, MWR staff, fellow swimmers and facility. This includes but is not limited to: listening & being respectful to coaches, pool staff & other helping adults during practices/meets, having good behavior & treating other swimmers with respect & kindness.
- Be prepared 5 minutes ahead of time for swim and/or dry-land. Goggles, swim cap, swimsuit & water or electrolyte drink are required for each practice. Loose fitting clothing, sneakers/tennis shoes & water or electrolyte drink are required for dry-land.
- Follow rules as outlined by the YJSST board.
- Protect the integrity of the program by maintaining a positive attitude and following guidelines provided by YJSST board.
- Follow the Code of Conduct & Swimmer Agreement from Registration listed in this handbook.
Financial Obligations and Policies
A comprehensive review of all Financial Policies and Procedures is included in the By-Laws. Current By-Laws are available for Membership to review on our website. The YJSST Board shall adopt an annual budget, which provides the basis for setting membership dues and establishes hourly wages and other payments for the coaching staff at the beginning of each new season. YJSST is funded by two sources. The primary source is the dues which are set by group. The second source is money earned through hosting swim meets and other fundraisers (when necessary).
The YJSST Board will maintain the current fee schedule on the team website.
- Additional Swimmers Discount: Sibling Discount offered is $5/month. Highest level swimmer is full price.
- Pre-Payment Discount: 10% discount offered to swimmers who pay 9 months up front. This discount is available with full dues payment at the start of the swimmer's season.
- Late payments: A $10.00 late fee is charged for dues not received by the 10th day of each payment period. If a parent fails to pay any delinquent dues or late fees, within 10 days from the date of emailed notice of delinquency, the Swimmer shall be suspended from further participation in all YJSST activities, including, but not limited to, practices and meets.
- Volunteer Penalty: A $50/swimmer penalty will be assessed if family volunteer commitment is not met at a home meet. The fee will need to be paid prior to the swimmer's next practice. (see volunteer policy)
- Refunds: Upon written termination of membership for an authorized reason, any unused dues for the remaining months that have been previously paid will be refunded to the Member. The remaining months will be calculated as beginning the following month the written termination is effective. If a member has received discounts or apparel as incentives for annual payment, the amount of the discount and cost of the apparel will be deducted from remaining monies owed. The Treasurer will have ten days to calculate remaining monies and deliver a check either in person or by mail.
To make dues payments: updated 8/1/2024
- Dues are to be received by the 5th of the month for those electing to pay in installments and may be paid online ( Late fees will be assessed after the 10th of the month.
- If desiring to pay by cash or check, please coordinate with the treasurer yokoseahawkstreasurer @ gmail . com
- Treasurer will be on deck 2:30-3 on the 1st Tuesday & 3-3:30 the 1st Wednesday of each month..
- Please contact our Treasurer Maggie with any questions or concerns via email.
- Treasurer will answer any financial related questions you may have. Paymentsshould never be given to the coaches.
Illness and Injury:
YJSST requires each swimmer to have a signed medical consent form on file in case of all medical or injury emergencies. Should there be any changes to your swimmer’s health (ie: allergies, etc.) the form needs to be updated immediately. Please contact the YJSST Secretary to update your information.
Communicate with your coach about any physical or swim-related injuries or pain during practices.
Attendance Policy:
YJSST has limited practice time and lane availability. This restricts the number of coaches that can be hired and the number of swimmers that can be on the team. These limited spots need to be filled by swimmers who can attend practice regularly. Therefore, good attendance must be required of our swimmers. Notify your coach and/or YJSST President if you will be tardy or miss practice for illness, travel, or an after school activity. Monthly attendance will be monitored for compliance with training group guidelines. Failure to comply with the attendance guidelines set forth in the training group guidelines may result in suspension or termination. Swimmers who take a leave of absence from the team have the choice to continue paying for their spot or cease payment. If payment is ceased, the swimmer must tryout at the scheduled tryout period to regain his/her spot on the team.
YJSST Weather Policy:
The Yokosuka Jr Seahawks Swim Team follows the Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka Hazardous/Destructive Weather Plan instruction 3140.2
CFAY monitors weather forecasts and storm trackers and uses the following as guidance to prepare plans for hazardous and destructive weather:
- Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness (TCCOR) is used when dangerous or damaging winds are anticipated/present in association with a tropical cyclone or developing tropical cyclone. The different levels of TCCOR are determined by the timing of destructive tropical cyclone winds.
- Winter Snow Advisory is issued when forecast projects snow accumulation of up to 1 inch 12 hours or 2 inches in 24 hours.
- Winter Snow warning is issued when forecast projects moderate to heavy snow/freezing precipitation expected within 6 hours.
YJSST board will follow CFAY guidance when destructive weather has potential to disrupt normal base operations. On stormy days when a cancel/postponement/practice time change occurs, we will send email and post on the Team Facebook Group page announcing which practices are affected. Swim meets will follow the same guidelines.
Please do not email us to inquire about team practice or meet status as we will likely not know the status until it’s announced by CFAY & would not be able to get back to you in a timely manner. If no notice is sent, then please assume practice/meet is on as scheduled. If the pool remains open, we will have practice. If you feel it is safer for your family to miss practice due to weather, please just let your coach know.
Volunteer Policy:
As YJSST is an “all-volunteer” organization, each parent or guardian who has a swimmer on the team shall share their time and talents at each home meet and any fundraisers that may be needed. A list of volunteer opportunities and schedule will be provided at least (2) two weeks prior to a home swim meet. Reference YJSST by laws.
Photographs on the web:
1. It is a long-standing tradition to post pictures of swim meets and other YJSST activities on the Facebook page.
2. Because pictures from swim meets can involve many children, it is impossible for the team to guarantee in advance that any given child’s picture will never be posted on the web.
3. However, the YJSST Board will happily remove a posted picture at the request of a parent whose child is in the picture.
Click here for practice schedules
Following their tryout evaluation and invitation to join YJSST, swimmers are placed into one of six Training Groups. YJSST Training Groups are designed to give each swimmer the utmost opportunity for improvement in the sport of swimming. Starting with our White team up through our Seniors, each group is specifically designed to pave the way for each swimmer to progress/ advance to the next level. YJSST always focuses on the athlete's long term development and goals.
White Practice Team
- Group Description:
The White Practice group consists of the team’s beginning level age group swimmers. This group is 90% instructional and 10% conditioning. The focus of this group is general stroke development with a focus on the fundamentals of swimming. Swimmers will learn the correct body and head position, proper kicking and pulling for all strokes, stroke timing, starts, turns, and finishes. Coaches will strive to ensure each swimmer has mastered the basic stroke mechanics via instruction in and out of the water. Swimmers can expect to swim around 1400m per practice. These are the necessary building blocks to continued success and advancement.
- Work Ethic:
Swimmers must be able to listen and follow directions and show respect for others. Swimmers must be able to commit to all practices offered each week.
- Performance Requirements: Swimmers in the White Practice Group must able to demonstrate the following:
- Be able to swim a 25 of Freestyle and Backstroke unassisted with no more than 30 seconds rest between 25s.
- Complete a legal Freestyle.
- Complete a legal Backstroke.
- Demonstrate knowledge of and close resemblance to proper Breaststroke and Butterfly.
- Complete a proper streamline.
Blue Practice Team
- Group Description:
The Blue Practice group consists of the team’s beginning level age group swimmers. This group is 80% instructional and 20% conditioning. The focus of this group is general stroke development with a focus on the fundamentals of swimming. Swimmers will continue developing correct body and head position, proper kicking and pulling for all strokes, stroke timing, starts, turns, and finishes. Coaches will strive to ensure each swimmer has mastered the basic stroke mechanics via instruction in and out of the water. Swimmers can expect to swim around 16500m per practice. These are the necessary building blocks to continued success and advancement.
- Work Ethic:
Swimmers must be able to listen and follow directions and show respect for others. Swimmers must be able to commit to all practices offered each week.
- Performance Requirements:
Swimmers in the Blue Practice Group must able to demonstrate the following:
- Be able to swim 50 meters of each stroke unassisted with no more than 15 seconds rest between 50s.
- Complete a legal Freestyle
- Complete a legal Backstroke.
- Complete a legal Breaststroke
- Remaining non-legal Butterfly must closely resemble proper stroke.
- Complete a proper streamline with progression towards hands being under the flags.
- Can consistently complete the following
- 4 x 50m Freestyle on the 1:20
- 4 x 50m Kick on the 1:35
8. Two of the following:
i. 4 x 25 Butterfly on the :50
ii. 4 x 25 Backstroke on the :45
iii. 4 x 25 Breaststroke on the :50
Red Practice Team
- Group Description:
The Red Practice group consists of the team’s beginning level age group swimmers. This group is 60% instructional and 40% conditioning. The focus of this group is increased technique development and stroke refinement. Swimmers will continue developing consistently correct body and head position, kicks and pulling, stroke timing, breath control, starts, turns, and finishes in all strokes. Coaches will strive to ensure swimmers have mastered proper stroke mechanics and are comfortable with speed and endurance development. Swimmers can expect to swim up to 2500-3500m per practice.
- Work Ethic:
Swimmers must be able to listen and follow directions, show respect for others, and demonstrate lane etiquette. Swimmers must be able to commit to three swim practices and 1 dryland practice per week and compete in at least three swim meets September-May.
- Performance Requirements:
Swimmers in the Red Practice Group must able to demonstrate the following:
- Complete a legal 50 meter swim of each stroke unassisted with no more than 20 seconds rest between 50s.
- Complete a legal 100 IM & make an effort at completing a 200 IM.
- Complete a proper streamline until their head is under the flags.
- Can consistently complete the following:
a. 6 x 50m Freestyle on the 1:15
b. 6 x 50m Kick on the 1:30
5. Two of the following:
i. 4 x 50 Butterfly on the 1:30
ii. 4 x 50 Backstroke on the 1:20
iii. 4 x 50 Breaststroke on the 1:30
Green Practice Team
- Group Description:
The Green Practice group consists of the team’s intermediate level age group swimmers. This group is 50% instructional and 50% conditioning. The focus of this group is increased technique development, stroke refinement, speed, and endurance. Swimmers will continue developing consistently correct body and head position, kicks and pulling, stroke timing, breath control, starts, turns, and finishes in all strokes. Coaches will utilize training sets and more advanced drills to ensure swimmers have mastered proper stroke mechanics and are comfortable with interval training, racing strategies, and goal development. Swimmers can expect to swim up to 3500m per practice.
- Work Ethic:
Swimmers must be able to listen and follow directions, show respect for others, demonstrate lane etiquette, and have a desire to improve competitively. Swimmers must be able to attend three practices & 1 dryland practice per week and compete in at least four swim meets September-May.
- Performance/Swimming:
Swimmers in the Green Practice Group must able to demonstrate the following:
- Complete a legal 50 meter swim of each stroke unassisted with no more than 15 seconds rest between 50s.
- Complete a legal 200 IM
- Complete a proper streamline past the flags.
- Can consistently complete the following:
- 6 x 50m Freestyle on the 1:10
- 6 x 50m Kick on the 1:20
5. Two of the following:
i. 4 x 50 Butterfly on the 1:25
ii. 4 x 50 Backstroke on the 1:15
iii. 4 x 50 Breaststroke on the 1:25
Junior Practice Team
- Group Description:
The Junior Practice Group consists of the team’s more advanced age group swimmers. This group is 40% instructional and 60% conditioning. The main focus of this group is to challenge the swimmers to improve their swimming abilities through increased emphasis on more challenging aerobic and anaerobic training with continuation of perfecting technique in all strokes. Dryland conditioning is a part of practice to promote core strength and athleticism. Swimmers can expect to swim up to 5000m per practice.
- Work Ethic:
Swimmers must be able to listen and follow directions, show respect for others, demonstrate lane etiquette, and have a desire to improve competitively. The swimmer is comfortable communicating their commitment to their parents, coaches, and teammates; setting goals; and performing in a competitive meet environment. Swimmers strive to set a positive example for younger members of the team. Swimmers must be able to commit to at least three of five swim practices per week, 1 dry-land training session and compete in at least four meets September-May
- Psychological Skills:
The swimmer shall have a basic understanding of goal setting, including the difference between short-term goals and long-term goals. Swimmers understand proper meet and practice behaviors, maintain a positive hard-working attitude, show good sportsmanship, and resolve to perform their best as a teammate and athlete. Swimmers understand proper meet and practice behaviors.
- Requirements:
Swimmers in the Junior practice group must able to demonstrate the following:
- Have the ability to read, understand, and follow more complex intervals.
- Can consistently complete a proper streamline until their hips are under the flags.
- Can swim all strokes & IMs with proper form.
- Can consistently complete the following:
- 8 x 50 Freestyle on the 1:00
- 8 x 100 Freestyle on the 2:00
- 8 x 50 Kick on the 1:20
5. Two of the following:
i. 6 x 50 Butterfly on the 1:15
ii. 8 x 50 Backstroke on the 1:10
iii. 8 x 50 Breaststroke on the 1:20
6. One of the following:
i. 2 x 200 Freestyle on the 4:00
ii. 2 x 200 IM on the 4:30
7. Has achieved a USA Swimming “B” Motivational time standard in at least one stroke for their age group; or is showing the desire to reach those goals.
Senior Practice Team
- Group Description:
The Senior Practice Group consists of the team’s most advanced and accomplished swimmers. This group is 30% instructional and 70% conditioning. The main focus of this group is to challenge the swimmers to improve their swimming abilities through increased emphasis on more challenging aerobic and anaerobic training with continuation of perfecting technique in all strokes. Dryland conditioning is a part of practice to promote core strength and athleticism. Swimmers can expect to swim up to 6000m per practice.
- Work Ethic:
Swimmers must be able to listen and follow directions, show respect for others, demonstrate lane etiquette, and act maturely and responsibly. The swimmer is comfortable communicating their commitment to their parents, coaches, and teammates; setting goals; and performing in a competitive meet environment. Swimmers strive to set a positive example for all members of the team. Swimmers must be able to commit to at least three of five swim practices per week, 1 dry-land training session/wk, & compete in at least five meets September-May.
- Psychological Skills:
The swimmer shall have a basic understanding of goal setting, including the difference between short-term goals and long-term goals. Swimmers understand proper meet and practice behaviors, maintain a positive hard-working attitude, show good sportsmanship, and resolve to perform their best as a teammate and athlete. Swimmers are able to set a pre-race routine.
- Requirements:
Swimmers in the Senior practice group must able to demonstrate the following:
- Have the ability to read, understand, and follow more complex intervals.
- Can consistently complete a proper streamline until their hips are under the flags.
- Can swim all strokes & IMs with proper form.
- Can consistently complete the following: a. 8 x 50 Freestyle on the :55
b. 8 x 100 Freestyle on the 1:45
c. 8 x 100 Kick on the 2:10
5. Two of the following:
i. 6 x 100 Butterfly on the 2:05
ii. 8 x 100 Backstroke on the 1:55
iii. 8 x 100 Breaststroke on the 2:05
6. One of the following:
i. 3 x 200 Freestyle on the 3:30
ii. 3 x 200 IM on the 3:50
7. Has achieved a USA Swimming “BB” Motivational time standard in at least one stroke for their age group; or is showing the desire to reach those goals.
Progression to the next level in YJSST’s program involves several factors. Most of the determining factors are objective (measurable) in nature, such as proper technique, physical stamina, ability to read the clock and understand intervals, swim practice attendance, and performance. However, some factors such as technical competence, mental preparedness, attitude, and work ethic are subjective in nature and will play a role in determining advancement. Fast meet results do not mean automatic team advancement.
The coaching staff will regularly discuss which swimmers are ready to progress to the next group (i.e. Red to Green). Only those swimmers who are ready and willing to make a greater commitment and are able to handle longer practices and greater training loads will be considered for advancement. Additionally, it is expected that once a swimmer is advanced to the next group that they will continue to put in the time and effort to train at the advanced level. A goal of advancement for the advancement itself is not a worthy goal and if a swimmer is unwilling to continue to train at a high level they will be moved back to their previous group.
Coach direction on movements: Parents should be consulted in regards to team movements before the coach speaks directly with the swimmer about movements. All movements must be approved by the Head Coach & Board President before parent emails are sent out. Movement emails will then be sent out by the Head Coach. Coaches should have a conversation with parents regarding team promotions being considered before bringing it up with the swimmer(s). In periods with many team promotions being offered, all movements should be made “from the top down” to allow time for parents/swimmers accept the positions & ensure there is adequate space on each team before swimmers are promoted to avoid over-crowding of lanes.
Talk to your coach about your goals on a regular basis. They are the best person to help you make that jump to the next level. Please keep in mind that this information is subject to change and will be revisited regularly, as YJSST is a youth organization and in a constant state of change due to the transient nature of all members/coaches/swimmers. Parents are asked to abide by the coaches' decisions when it comes to group advancement, and any questions paramount to your child should be directed to the Coach, Head Coach or Board President.
YJSST wants each swimmer to be placed in the group that best suits his/her ability and allows for personal growth and development. With that said, sometimes a swimmer is better suited in a lower group where the focus can be more on technical proficiency. A move may be temporary or it may be permanent. The Coaching Staff and YJSST President will confer and then discuss it with the parents. YJSST makes a conscious effort to maintain the best interest of all the swimmers in each group, therefore, all group level time intervals must be considered. The other swimmers in the group have as much of a right to continue with their development and progress to faster intervals. No decision to move a swimmer is factored into lightly by either the coaches and/or the YJSST Board. Refunds owed from the group tuition difference will be reimbursed by the Treasurer within 5 working days.
TRYOUTS will be held in the beginning of the season (usually the weekend prior to school starting) & from time to time throughout the season once our waitlist is exhausted & there is space available on the team.
For swimmers who PCS to Yokosuka outside of the scheduled tryouts, a private tryout may be arranged and the swimmer will be placed on the appropriate practice group. If the practice group is full, swimmers who meet team swim standards will be placed on the waitlist until the next available opening. Swimmers who do not meet the swim standards may not be offered a spot on the team or waitlist. All team placement is at the discretion of current Seahawks coaches.
Tryouts are by appointment by emailing the team secretary or president. A current MWR swim pass is required to tryout; swim passes are good for one calendar year & expire each 31December. Tryouts are generally held in the deep end of Seahawk Natatorium at Purdy Gym. Coaches will ask each swimmer to swim 50M of each of the 4 standard competitive strokes (freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly). Swimmers are encouraged to also show diving off the dive blocks & turns. Coaches would also love to see your 100-200 IMs! They will be watching for legal strokes & kicks, proper technique, swimmer stamina, coachability, etc.
YJSST encourages all swimmers to compete in meets (both home & away) and supports all interested young people to gain the skills and confidence needed to enjoy competitive events. YJSST expects the swimmers to attend meets based upon the guidelines set forth in the swimmers training group. Some of the benefits of attending meets include (but are not limited to):
a. Your swimmer making new friends. Swimmers seem to be a rather social bunch, and when a large congregation of them, all from different teams, collect together in one place, swimmers gain the chance to make new friends.
b. Your swimmer gaining swimming techniques that cannot be simulated in practice. Though coaches try to add a variety of different situations in their practice curriculum, they cannot emulate a true competitive racing situation. By attending meets, swimmers gain confidence in their swimming technique and learn to succeed in their events. Psychological and physical racing strategies, just by attending many meets, can be intuitively learned and applied. These strategies can be subsequently applied to other facets of life such as music, art, other sports, and even school.
c. You and your swimmer becoming familiar with our other team members. Going to meets, especially hosted meets where our entire team attends, will let you (the parent) and your swimmer meet and learn from older, more experienced swimmers. Our senior swimmers are a fantastic bunch of hard working and talented boys and girls who not only serve as great role models and friends for your children, but also can serve as their mentors in swimming techniques acquired from years of trial and error in previous meets.
d. You and your swimmer will become accustomed to how meets are run. While every meet at its core is run the same way, every venue has its own little quirky add-ons which can either make a meet pleasant or a frustrating challenge. As a swimmer, your children must learn how to deal with varying meet schedules, where event postings are, and where the coaches are situated. As a parent, you must be aware of what our team may need from you (meets are run almost entirely by volunteers, and thus parents play an integral part in the facilitation of meets).
In addition to our home meets; YJSST participates in a number of meets in the Kanto Plains area. Parents are responsible for using the team website to confirm meet attendance and event entry. Parents are also responsible for transportation to away meets. Your swimmer's coach has final authority regarding event entry. Coaches will discuss with either swimmer and/or parent the events in which the child will be entered. It is important to try to encourage your swimmer to go outside their comfort level and swim different events. Meet and entry fees are pre-paid to the host team by YJSST. In case of a no-show or event scratch, the parents will be responsible to reimburse YJSST their swimmer’s entry fees. The up to date swim meet schedule will be posted on the team website.
**Swimmers will not be entered into the meet without prior notice that they are attending by deadline given. Swimmers must be at least 10 years old to attend a meet without a parent present. Swimmer must be mature enough to get his or herself to/from each event. Parents understand they are responsible for their swimmers during swim meets and while traveling. Coaches' main focus at meets are races: they stay mainly on the pool deck, watch all YJSST swimmers, get times, review technique, and prep swimmers for their next race. They are not responsible for monitoring swimmers’ behavior at meets.**
Conduct during Meets:
YJSSTeam standards of conduct and good sportsmanship must be maintained at all times by swimmers, coaches, spectators and all other participants. Offensive, insulting or abusive language is forbidden. The use of alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs in the vicinity of the pool during practices or meets is strictly forbidden in accordance with CFAY instructions.
At the Swim Meet:
Each swim meet format, time-line, entry costs and competition level are different, but the following are some basic guidelines for swim meets.
1. Know in advance what events you are swimming at the meet. These will be posted at the meet and usually are e-mailed a few days prior to the meet.
2. Know what time warm-up starts for your age group. This is usually e-mailed as well.
3. Arrive early so you are on time. This will ensure you have a good seat for viewing your swimmer. If you arrive on time you will be late.
4. Prior to the start of the meet is a good time to write the Events/Heat/Lane on your child’s forearm with the sharpie. Using a sharpie, mark a grid on your swimmer’s arm using the below abbreviations.
E=Event, H=Heat, L=lane, S=Stroke, FR=Freestyle, BK=Back, BR=Breaststroke, FL=Fly
For example:
1 5 3 50 FR
7 1 4 50 BR
5. Parents and swimmers should try to sit together as a team. Heat sheets will be emailed prior to swim meet. Parents have the option to purchase a Heat Sheet ($2) and check it for heat and lane assignments for each of their swimmer’s events on the day of the meet.
6. Parents should be encouraging of their swimmers, but please leave the coaching to the coaches.
7. Swimmers should always ask their coach whether they will be on a relay team. At most meets, at least one relay is likely to be the first event, so swimmers should be ready to swim immediately following the warm-up.
8. All swimmers should have their swimsuit, cap and goggles ready. A back up pair of goggles and an extra swim cap is necessary to keep in swimmer’s bag.
9. After warm-up and between races, swimmers should put on warm clothes over their swimsuit. It is also important to wear shoes and socks to avoid losing body heat and energy.
10. Stay away from junk food. It’s better to eat bagels, fruit, energy bars, etc.
Stay hydrated: drink lots of water, Gatorade, Power-Aide, etc.
11. Stay away from energy drinks and caffeinated beverages that contain diuretics.
12. Swim meets can move along very quickly sometimes. It is very important to pay attention to what event and heat number is being swum. Swimmers should be behind the blocks or in the bullpen, ready to swim, a few heats before the one they will be swimming. Timelines are posted, but they are estimates only. Listen to the announcer and check the heat sheet often.
13. At some Senior-level and Championship meets, swimmers who miss a scheduled race may be penalized by not being permitted to swim in subsequent events at that same meet. At most non-championship meets, (Challenge meets), a swimmer that misses his/her race is not penalized and sometimes will be allowed by the Meet Referee to swim in another heat.
14. Results for the meet are usually posted at the pool during the meet. The YJSST Secretary will post meet results to the team website within one week of completion of the meet.
15. Awards are picked up at the end of the meet by the coaches and are distributed during practice the following week. Normally, only 1st -6th place in each division receives a ribbon. Keep in mind that there are multiple heats in each event and while what place the swimmer finishes in his/her heat is significant, it probably will not correspond to what place ribbon he/she will receive. Try to help your young swimmer to keep this in perspective. They may swim a meet and not receive any ribbons. Place emphasis on the improvement of the swimmer’s times, not what place in the race they finish.
What to bring to a swim meet??
1. Chairs (if allowed at the venue)
2. Several towels
3. Extra goggles (Racing goggles should be tighter than those worn at practice. If the meet is at an outside pool, use dark tinted goggles).
4. Warm clothing, sweats, parka, shoes and socks.
5. Water bottle, healthy snacks
6. Book, cards, small games etc. for long waits between races.
7. Positive attitude and your game face.
8. Printout of heat sheets
9. Sharpee markers & highlighters
Home Swim Meet Volunteer Opportunities
- Head Timer
Supervises and assists Lane Timers. Brief the timers prior to the start of the swim meet.
Starts extra stopwatches at beginning of each race in case of malfunction. Arranges for relief of Lane Timers for breaks.
- Lane Timers
Uses a stopwatch to time swimmers in a specific lane.
- Announcer
Uses public address system to call the swimmers to their events and heats. Makes informational announcements as required.
- Concessions/Hospitality
Manage concession table for the sale of food and drink items during the meets.
- Awards
Process and distribute ribbons/awards to participating teams. Coordinates the presentation of awards during championship meets.
- Clerk of Course
Organize swimmers by event and heat. There should be 4 stagers/clerks: 2 in gym announcing events/heats and lining swimmers up, 1 escorting swimmers to the pool deck, and 1 at the bleachers on the pool deck sending swimmers to the blocks for their heat.
- Runners
Runners are the people who collect each swimmer’s card from each of the lanes after each event, and delivers them to the scoring table. They post the results as they become available.
- Computer Operation
Run the timing computer and the meet operation computer, verify swimmers’ times and confirm “no shows”.
- Set-up
The afternoon before the meet to set up all required equipment (touch pads, chairs, tables etc) for meets that are held on Sundays. For two day meets, set up takes place prior to the start of the first session.
- Breakdown
Remains at the pool following the meet to take down and put away everything that was set up for the meet.
- Deck Officials
Meet Referee, Starter, Stroke and Turn Judge.
Deck Officials are trained to the best of YJSST resources and as closely aligned as possible with United States' Swimming guidelines.
Appendix A
2024-25 Season Volunteer Committee Opportunities:
A member from each of the volunteer committees is invited to attend each meeting of the Board, in order to facilitate communication between the committees and the Board. While committee members do not have a vote, their input is greatly appreciated.
a. Concessions/Hospitality- This committee would be in charge of concessions at home swim meets. They would need to take the food handling class as a requirement, and then train others. They would also be responsible for submitting the paperwork to CFAY legal for the fundraising request (the sale of concessions during home meets) as well as the preventative medicine department at the hospital for safety certification. This committee would also provide hospitality for visiting coaches at home swim meets.
b. Social Committee- This committee would plan and carry out social functions for the swim team, including an initial "meet your fellow team mates and coaches" potluck, year end party, potlucks, and holiday parties throughout the year. They are responsible for reserving a venue, making signups, etc.
c. Volunteer Committee- This committee would ensure that all volunteer positions are filled for home meets. The Board will offer support and guidance as to the needed positions, this committee would manage those positions. This person would also solicit volunteer help from commands that wish to participate. Ideally, this committee would be present at our beginning of the year potluck to assist parents in signing up for a volunteer committee.
d. Officials committee-This committee would be responsible for the training and volunteering of those who wish to act as officials on deck for swim meets. They would be trained as closely as possible with USA swimming/FINA rules.
e. Merchandise Coordinator - Organizes orders for team swag, shirts & merch to be sold at home meets, etc.
f. Team Photographer or Photo Coordinator - organizes professional team & individual photos to be taken (ideally in the fall & the spring)
g Setup/Take down specialist: learns the ins & outs of how to set up for home meets to ensure it is done the same way each time & that touchpads are maintained. There is always a setup/takedown crew to assist, but having one person who really understands how it is done & how things fit best in the storage closet would be a huge help!
It is the policy of the team to resolve all disputes involving membership on the team in an amicable way. Compromise should be emphasized whenever possible, and personality conflicts should be avoided. It is the policy of the team to avoid publicizing the suspension or removal proceedings beyond those persons who need to know, and to respect the privacy of the individuals involved.
General Due Process Procedures
Disputes involving day-to-day activities of the team should first be addressed and resolved if possible, by a board member and/or then the entire YJSST board, if necessary. If it is determined that it is necessary that a person involved in the team needs to be disciplined or that his or her participating in the team should be limited or terminated, then the YJSST President or the YJSST Vice president (acting on the President’s behalf) shall give notice to such person of such intention, initially by telephone, in writing via email or in person. Notice should always be followed by a written confirmation. Such notice shall specify the action to be taken and the reasons thereof. Such notice shall further notify such person that he or she, upon request, will be given a reasonable opportunity to explain why such action should not be taken. Such opportunity to respond may be in person at a hearing, by telephone or in writing. The YJSST President or YJSST Board may appoint a disinterested hearing board or committee of neutral persons to consider such discipline.
After such opportunity to respond has been given, the YJSST President, the YJSST Board, hearing board or committee shall render its decision and announce it in writing to all persons concerned.
Discipline: Suspension or Removal
The YJSST President or YJSST Board may suspend a person involved in the team from further involvement in the team’s activities if there is found to be an imminent danger to the swimmers or to the program by his or her continuing involvement, or if it is determined the person has been arrested or is under investigation for a crime, that, if convicted, would rule out the person’s continued involvement. Notice must be provided and a hearing conducted, if requested, according to the procedures described in Paragraph Two above. A suspension is considered to be temporary in nature, and any such suspension may be removed or set aside by a majority of the YJSST Board at any time. Removal is only permitted when there is found to be conduct that poses a clear threat to the safety or well-being of the swimmers, coaches, Board or parents.
Hearing Procedures
Any disciplinary hearing shall be held at a neutral location. The hearing procedures shall be communicated to and understood by all parties prior to the commencement of such hearing. All interested parties are to be informed of the date, time, and location of such hearing. A person who has a direct interest in the outcome of the matter shall not participate in any stage of the procedure. A person has a direct interest in the outcome of the matter if that person’s conduct is in any way called into question by the events, or if that person is a witness to the events, has a familial relationship with any person involved in the matter, has a financial interest in the outcome, or whose judgment, for any reason, cannot be unbiased and neutral. In the event the YJSST President has a direct interest in the outcome of the matter, any authority herein to be exercised by the YJSST President shall be referred to the Vice President. A committee or hearing board of disinterested persons shall conduct the hearing as quickly and as fairly as possible, but may structure the proceedings as circumstances may require to keep them as positive as possible. The committee or hearing board may ask such questions and request such documents or other evidence as may be necessary to obtain all pertinent facts, but should refrain from being overbearing with such examinations and requests. The proceedings should be kept as confidential as may be necessary to protect all parties. The committee or hearing board shall listen to the facts of the situation from all interested parties. Each “side” may be permitted or requested to make their presentations outside the presence of the other if necessary to prevent undue acrimony or harm to the participants. Parties do not have the right to involve attorneys or to cross examine other parties or witnesses, although either may be permitted within the discretion of the committee or hearing board if it believes that such participation will be helpful and positive.
At the conclusion of the hearing, the committee or hearing board shall adjourn to a private session where the decision will be reached. Under no circumstances shall the committee or hearing board deliberate in the presence of the parties involved in the dispute. The committee or hearing board will then decide the issues raised pursuant to the YJSST operating regulations and the YJSST by-laws based on the evidence submitted, and by a majority vote determine the appropriate action to be taken. Such action may include that no action should be taken against the individual accused, or that a warning or caution be given, that a written reprimand be given, that further education or probation be required, or that such person should be suspended or removed from involvement in YJSST activities. Where the hearing board recommends removal or where otherwise determined appropriate, the individual in question should be given an opportunity to resign voluntarily. All interested parties shall promptly be notified of such resignation or, in the absence of a resignation, of the hearing board’s decision.
Any determination made in accordance with these procedures shall be final and binding on all concerned unless it is determined that the procedure was not fair, or that the person or persons making such determination are found not be have been disinterested.